This parish has formally adopted the Church of England House of Bishops’ Safeguarding Policy, “Promoting a safer church” which can be found ON THE SAFEGUARDING TAB of this website and in full here;

Lovely shot of Kingstone in the snow (Thanks to Steve Uzzell for the phot) .....

and Stocklinch church in the sunshine (thanks to Sarah (?) for the phot).

More Tea Vicar! - Salisbury House Teas for the Church (good service Lyn!)

AM-DRAM in Shepton Church

                                                            Chillington Village Open Day
                                Church Flower Festival "Alice in Wonderland" remarkable displays, 
 huge imagine and talent!  Photos by Tess Chapman and Dee Brook

Dowlish Wake - Songs of Praise on the Green (at least in the sunny part where it wasn't sooo cold!)
Photos by Paddy O'connor  Many thanks to the "All Saints Band" for your support.


CUDWORTH - Carols by candle-light
(thank you Gail Toop)

CUDWORTH - Carols by candle-light

CUDWORTH - Carols by candle-light

A Crib scene for one of our churches appears on the front cover
of the national Salvation Army magazine, "War Cry".

 Getting Ready For Christmas - CUDWORTH Christmas Cards
(Thank you Tessa Chapman)

  Getting Ready For Christmas - CUDWORTH Christmas Cards

 Getting Ready For Christmas - SHEPTON

Getting Ready For Christmas - SHEPTON

Getting Ready For Christmas - SHEPTON

Shepton Soapbox challenge

PUCKINGTON Flower Festival

PUCKINGTON Flower Festival

PUCKINGTON Flower Festival

  PUCKINGTON Flower Festival

  PUCKINGTON Flower Festival

 SHEPTON SCHOOL - Leavers Service & Prizes

  SHEPTON SCHOOL - Leavers Service & Prizes

 BARRINGTON DAY at the Church
  BARRINGTON DAY at the Church
  BARRINGTON DAY at the Church
 BARRINGTON DAY at the Church

Stocklinch Church Fete - a very lovely, traditional fete!

Thank you party for David Watson's years of service as a Church Warden....

Jas  and Dan, joined in holy matrimony at Shepton Beauchamp

Bluebell Wood Walk - Cudworth to Chillington 

Photos by Emma Cheffey

Shrove Tuesday - Egg Shackling and Pancake Races

There is a very ancient custom, specific to this part of Somerset, which is alive and kicking today….
Egg Shackling!

Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent when Christians give up eating nice foods for the forty days leading up to Easter.  The day before - Shrove Tuesday - mums have traditionally emptied all the nice foods from their larders and pantries and made pancakes for their families.    

One year, a very clever mum, invented a game for her children to break the eggs into the pancake mix.

She took a big garden sieve - cleaned it - gave each of her children an egg - asked them to decorate their egg.

These bright but fragile creations were then placed into the sieve and were given a good “shackling” to see which would be the first to crack.

This continued until only one egg was left unbroken - the winner.

To this day the children of our schools egg shackle each Shrove Tuesday.

A selection of photos titled, "Getting ready for the wedding".
All taken at Shepton church by talented local photographer 
Dave McMeakin

Lammastide Service & Walk - Puckington

 Starting with a short service and hymns in church, 70 (ish) folk from all over the Crewkerne Deanery set
 off for an hours walk around farmland in Puckington....
.....with Rev'd D' leading three prayer/hymn stations en route.....
.....with time to admire the wonderful countryside (thanks to the Lucas family for allowing us access to their land and for providing transport up/down the steep hill!!!).....
.....finishing off back at church with prayers of thanks, tea and cake!!!

Views from the top of St John's Church Kingstone, during their May Bank Holiday Fair
(courtesy of Graham Fisher).....

.....of St Andrew's church Dowlish Wake.....

HOLY WEEK - each year we do a three day Holy Week with each of our schools and Pre-schools......

HOLY WEEK - here we have "Palm Sunday" with Megan the mini Shetland from "Horseshoes and Handprints"....

HOLY WEEK - and the blessing of Palm Crosses.....

HOLY WEEK - and the real star of the show - Megan!

HOLY WEEK - did I mention Megan??!!


Father Geoff fresh from the washing up!

Shepton Beauchamp High Altar

Shepton Beauchamp All Souls Chapel

Dowlish Wake

As above.

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